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A Sunday Afternoon At The
Kentucky Horse Park
Lexington, Kentucky
July 8, 2001
Kjell T. & Lois A. Evensen
Background Image:  Daisies at the Horse Park Front Gate

Image and Special Effects by Lois A. Evensen

On an overcast day that also produced afternoon thunderstorms, my husband, Kjell, 
and I journeyed to the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky.
We each carried digital cameras and collected these images.

The park is beautifully designed and a delight to explore.

Since the weather was not ideal, very few visitors were at the park for a Sunday afternoon.

The statue of Man O'War is at the entrance to the park.

A museum including a time line of the evolution of horses and their
interaction with humans provides a fantastic educational journey for all ages.

Follow us in images as we take this journey through time.

Displays are dramatic.  This display shows how horses were brought
ashore from ships in large slings.

As the time line story unfolds

all sorts of artwork

are presented.

Antiques are incorporated in the displays of more recent times.

I smile as I remember my father saying, "I remember those!" 
when we visited the park just a few years ago.  My father was born in 1904.

This is only a portion of a gorgeous stitched mural made of banners 
hung side by side.  As you stand in the center and look up, you can follow 
the circular mural story of man's relationship with horses. 

The trophy room is filled with winners' rewards.

Another display included horses in movies and television.
These costumes were worn by Roy Rogers and Dale Evens in their television series.

After leaving the museum, we strolled through one of the barns.
This is a Norwegian Fjord Horse.  You'll see more of her later.

We wandered into the show arena to find a roping contest in progress.
The winners of this contest would soon be competing in national 
competitions in Oklahoma City.

Kjell enjoyed capturing these images of the action. 

When we left the arena, I captured one of my favorite types of images of him
capturing images.  Someday I'll have to make an album of just these.  :-)

As a gardener, I had to get this shot.
The grounds of the park are beautifully landscaped.

As we prepared to leave the park, we passed the Draft Horse Barn one last time.

It was the time of the day the horses were being put out to pasture.
One of the park employees gave an informative talk about each type of horse

as it was led out of the barn.

This mother daughter pair of Norwegian Fjord Horses was special for us.
Click here for a short movie to see and hear more about them.

As we returned to our car, we passed Canadian Geese enjoying one of the park's ponds.
We highly recommend the Kentucky Horse Park as a lovely way to enjoy a day in the park.

The Evensens on the Internet
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